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Howto: Work with mass spectra

In the left sidebar the imported samples are displayed, select one to browse the corresponding spectra. Generally, for each imported file (mzData, mzXML,..) a separate sample has been created.
On the right side two lists of spectra will be displayed, when a sample has been selected. While the upper one lists MS level one spectra, ...
... the second list displays - if applicable - the child spectra (MS2, SIM, Zoom, etc.) associated to the selected MS1 scan.
Buttons below the depicted peak lists provide zoom functionality. Checkboxes beside the spectrum allow to partly hide peak lists, for example to select only the precursor positions.
When a spectrum is zoomed in, additional buttons are displayed to move in the m/z range. The "double arrow"-buttons allow fast scrolling; jump to the middle of the spectrum by clicking the "center" button.
If MS level one spectra have been imported, which are derived from MALDI/TOF analysis, ProSE may display their positions on the target plate.